Protection of power systems ppt video online download slideplayer. Sensitivity refers to the minimal changes in measured parameter that the system can react to. When the fault occurs on any of the protection zones then only the circuit breakers within that zone will be opened. Protection zone is defined as the part of the power system which is protected by a certain protective scheme.
The prime objective of the power system protection is to ensure safe and reliable electrical power supply to consumers. Protection should be provided in overlapping zones so that no part of the power system remains unprotected and faulty zone is disconnected and isolated. Zones of protection indicated by dashed lines enclosing powersystem. Pilot protection allows overreaching zones of protection to ensure full protection of the line as well as high speed tripping. Protective relaying philosophy and design guidelines pjm. Ideally, the zones of protection should overlap, so that no part of the power system is left unprotected. Principles of differential relaying my protection guide. Power system components such as circuit breakers or.
Thus a protective covering is provided around the rich elements of the system. It is to be noted that the protection zones are overlapped. Mohamad tawfeeq zones of protection zones of protection zone of protection of a relay is the place or the distance that the relay can protect easily. Principles of differential relaying introduction power systems divided into zones of protection e. However, some component of a zone protection scheme fail to operate. Selectivity is absolute if the protection responds only to faults within its own zone and relative if it is obtained by grading the setting of protections of several zones. The protection system shall not react to nonfault situations the protection system must not react to faults in neighboring zones or high load currents.
This video deals with all the details regarding zonal protection in distance relays in transmission line. Accordingly, the design of such protection systems must. Zoning in power system protection is an important philosophy and must be done carefully so that no part of the system remains unprotected in any condition. Zone 3 elements shall be set to cover longest remote line. For electromagnetic relays, this was a main design characteristic. Backup protection is provided which take over only in the event of primary protection failure. Protective zones the circuit breakers are placed at the appropriate points such that any element of the entire power system can be disconnected for repairing work, usual operation and maintenance requirements and also under abnormal conditions like short circuits. For more general power system configurations, a fundamental concept is the division of a system into protective zones. The system is based on heavy duty and expensive equipment with high electrical power concentration, thus it should be of major concern. Functions of equipmentprotectionprotection schemes are generally divided into equipmentprotection and system protection. Raza haider, chulhwan kim, in integration of distributed energy resources in power systems, 2016.
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